Never mind it's long overdue: Here's our latest schedule update!
I posted the first project schedule in January 2014 and updated versions in March and August, so this is the third update in a row.
With such a long break, it's now a report of past events rather than a schedule for future events.
In this latest, ehm, report, there are two major modifications to the previous schedule, one is bad and one is good.
Bad: The power plant is not finished yet.
According to the previous schedule, the power plant was supposed to be finished by now. What seemed like a small delay in August turned out to be a major wait.
Good: The power plant will be finished soon.
The end is in sight! And it's close!! Finally it's not just wishful thinking but a concrete day in the calendar. Keep reading:
The single biggest news is that we finally got the quotation and the interconnection date from TEPCO.
Quotation means that TEPCO finally figured out and kindly let us know how much it'll cost us to have our power plant connected to public grid. (I'm not sure quotation is the right term in this context.)
Interconnection date means that TEPCO finally figured out and kindly let us know when they plan to connect our plant to the grid. That should be on November 27. We've been waiting months for this.
Connection to the grid means that the plant will finally start generating electricity and income.
Here's the updated schedule:

For comparison, here's the previous schedule from August:

And for more comparison, here's the original schedule from January (some items and their timing was not quite right):