Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Solar Sharing Now (2020) and Then (2014)

Overview of major changes in Japan's FIT system and solar sharing over the past six years.

It seems that many readers of this blog are interested in solar sharing rather in goats and chickens. I certainly get more inquiries about solar sharing. (Actually since we stopped selling eggs, I've got, unsurprisingly, exactly zero inquiries about chickens, while I got dozens about solar sharing.) 

Our farm, which started generating solar power in 2014 and pasture-raising chickens in 2015,  was one of the earlier solar sharing farms. The situation surrounding solar sharing have changed a lot since then. Now, in 2020, things couldn't be more different. The many developments in Japan and around the world in the past 6 years are quite exciting.

I summed up the major changes below. They are presented as a comparison between then (2014) and now (2020) .

Five major changes:

1. Solar sharing is finally in the global spotlight.

2. Number of solar sharing farms in Japan surged.

3. Feed-in-tariff (FIT) plummeted.

4. Many new rules and restrictions were added to the FIT system. 

5. Solar sharing is now part of Japan's official policy.

Below is each point in more detail.