Saturday, February 27, 2016


(English article is here.)






平均風速が5m/sの風況下では、例えば、リストにあるGaia-Wind Ltd. GW133というモデルでは、年間発電量が 27,502KWを見込むことができるというものです。

単純に 27,502 * 55 = 1,512,610 円の売電収入という計算になります。




最低限求められるこの風速5m/s というのはどれくらいの風か調べると、木の葉が絶えず揺れ動く程度の強さの風ということでした。



Logic Energyというところから市販されているものでWindTracker/WindLoggerという製品で






Saturday, February 20, 2016

Occupied by chickens

There was a temporary rearrangement of animal powers on our farm.

There used to be two independent states on the farm: the Goat Kingdom and the Chicken Republic. 
Chicken Republic was more populated and had larger area, but the Goat Kingdom was greener and had more natural resources.
The news is that now, temporarily, the Goat Kingdom, abandoned by its Queen, has become part of the Chicken Republic. 

What happened is that it was decided that Natchan the Goat will not be coming to graze at the farm for a while - maybe until March. The reason is that there's little grass anyway and Natchan with big belly wouldn't walk or graze much. Natchan is all right, having good time at her home, where she gets a grazing time out of the shed every morning and evening. She will be back at the farm after her babies are born.

In the meantime, Natchan gave permission to the chickens to take care of her kingdom. Chickens are working hard to fulfill their duty.

So these days, the whole farm is occupied by lovely chickens. Don't expect any cute mammal, please.
OH, there is one! Recently spotted near the farm.

Although this one won't let you rub her neck, like Natchan the Goat would. 
I'd rather wait for Natchan to come back, and enjoy the chicken takeover in the meantime.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016





「とりの遊び場 放し飼い卵直売」だそうです。




看板のおかげでやっと、発電所の前を通る人 ――だいたい犬の散歩などをしている地元の方々―― に、ここは何という場所で、どこに連絡すればよいかという情報が伝わります。




New signboard


We have finally set up a signboard on the farm!

This is it:

New signboard day one (2016/2/15)

"Chickens' playground
Free range eggs"

The signboard was made by Shizenmoku Koubou, a woodwork studio in Hyogo prefecture.

Shizenmoku Koubou did a great job for reasonable price. Highly recommended if you ever need a wooden something.

So the signboard was ready and the only job left to us was to attach it to a pole at the farm, but even this simple task needed some planning. Two people are necessary to do it but recently Nobuo and I are rarely available both at the same time. Finally we managed in the evening two days ago: 

"Hands up Signboard!" (2016/2/14)

Thanks to the signboard, passersby - mostly local residents walking their dogs - know what this place is and how to contact us. 
With so much information out there, I expected to be overwhelmed by phone calls and a blog access spike. But nothing happened.
This lack of interest can only be blamed on traffic. On average, about 5 people walk the road in front of our farm every day. It's not really a busy road. 

So the signboard has no business-promoting effect at all, but it's still nice to have it !

Chickens showed zero interest in the new object. (Which is just as well.)

For historical record, this is me and the new signboard.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Pure hedonism and other news

News of the week:

1. Overnight camping attempt in new location.
2. New forage opportunities!
3. State of the workplace report, with Egg song.
4. This is pure hedonism.

1. Overnight camping attempt in new location.

Two days ago, two chickens were missing when I came to the farm in the evening to close the coop.
After checking all the places that chickens had tried to use as a bedroom in the past (when they couldn't find way home),  I started to worry that they might have been kidnapped after all. It's not easy to find missing chickens in the dark with just a phone flashlight. I was about to give up, but the hand of chickenlord was upon me and I found them safe and sound, sitting quietly in the Special Grass Box, property of Natchan the Goat. 

Both chickens were promptly returned home. They didn't protest much. In fact they were relieved.

2. New forage opportunities! (Until the goat comes back.)

Natchan the Goat was scheduled not to come to the farm for two days so I let chickens use Natchan's space in the meantime. Chickens appreciated it. 

3. State of the workplace report

Our chickens have very flexible working hours and they work largely unsupervised. I believe this would lead to some terrible working habits in humans, but not in chickens! Most of them do show up in the office (nest) once a day and do finish their task. They are highly motivated and I would love to think that it's thanks to my leadership skills, but it's not.  I suspect it's the pay and the benefits they get - far above chickens' average in Japan - that keeps their working morale so high. 
They don't like to be disturbed at work, so I had to be quick to gather material for this State of the workplace report.

February 8, 2016

Check the nest Check the nest There's an egg there!

After work, our chickens often sing the famous "I laid an egg!" song. It seems they have an unofficial competition who can sing the longest and loudest. 
This video shows the same hen singing one very long song. I cut the middle part because it was too long. The melody is a bit repetitive - that's the chicken style.

4. This is pure hedonism.

One of the favorite activities of our chickens is a dust bath. 

Dust bath is a nice and healthy hobby (Chickens clean their skin and feathers - it's their version of a shower). For an uninitiated viewer, dust bathing might at first look like seizures, but in fact chickens are immensely enjoying themselves. So much that they look obscenely hedonistic.  
It's like humans spending a day in hot spa - they can't stop.

Hens in the video are accompanied by The-Not-The-Boss rooster, who is generally more approachable than The-Boss, who is basically just narcissistic and arrogant. 

Living in the moment - chickens certainly know how to do that!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Breaking news: New toy discovered.

As the year rolled into its second month, it's time to post a few fresh pictures of the chickens and the goat. Here are some photos from last week.

The pictures show breaking news: Chickens discovered a new toy! It's ice.

Ice on our farm is an outcome of 100% natural magic applied to a bucket of water on cold nights.

There are two ways how to play with bucket ice, depending on where exactly the ice is located.

1. Ice is still inside of the bucket.  
This version is well suited for individual game. (see pictures below.)

2. Ice is outside of the bucket.
The bucket ice can also be played with after it had been thrown out of the bucket. 
This version is perfect for a collective game. (see pictures below below below).

Version 1 (Ice is inside the bucket. Individual game.)

Ice bucket challenge.
For better demonstration, here is video:

Version 2  (Ice outside the bucket. Collective game.)

Rules are unknown.

 For better demonstration of collective game, here is video:

Unfortunately, ice is only available after very cold nights. For example yesterday, there was no ice, just water. No one can have every thing. 

31 January 2016. No ice today.
***** End of breaking news *****

Here is Natchan the Goat yesterday morning. Her belly is getting really big, everyone is looking forward to Natchan's babies!!

***** End of all news  *****